速報APP / 商業 / Glue - Create a better workspace

Glue - Create a better workspace



檔案大小:44.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Glue - Create a better workspace(圖1)-速報App

Glue Model is a perfect solution to build a better collaborative structure in your organization. With its handy features, Glue model aims at connecting all the entities of an organization by providing them a common platform to integrate various resources, build stronger connections and thereby enhance productivity.

Main Features :

1. Chat and work

Texting is the word that has taken over the communication media. Keeping an account of the changing demands, Glue brings you the Chat feature that helps you to communicate with your co-workers on real time basis. It is a perfect substitute to the traditional office communicators but with interesting add-ons.

Glue - Create a better workspace(圖2)-速報App

2. Socialize through Wall Postings

Glue closely follows the trend of new age social media and has many features to socialize within your enterprise. 'Wall Postings' is one such feature that lets you share anything with organization members at the word 'Go'

3. Risk Management

Glue helps you to get an overall idea and status of various tasks assigned and thereby assisting in risk Management. It lets you know about tasks which need immediate attention like the one’s which are overdue.

Glue - Create a better workspace(圖3)-速報App

4. Monitor the workload

Unable to track workload of your employees? The collaborative structure and exquisite features of Glue would help in determining the workloads of each employee. Track the work being done by them and thereby helping in proper resource management.

5. Project Management

Managing your projects would be easier than ever. Glue allows its users to manage and keep an account of the works/tasks done by each employee.

Glue - Create a better workspace(圖4)-速報App

6. Brainstorm Rooms

Rooms which are similar to groups facilitates the scope for open and closed interactions. 'Strong Room' aids secure and closed interaction visible only to members of a group. 'Glass Room' assists open interactions visible to the entire organization.

Glue - Create a better workspace(圖5)-速報App
